【 廣東話課程新體驗!Not just speaking, but also texting! 】
Texting in Cantonese is not just practical—it’s essential in today’s digital world. 打字係現代社交同溝通嘅重要部分,學識用廣東話打字,唔單止可以提升日常生活嘅語言應用,仲可以擴展廣東話喺數碼世界嘅版圖。
By learning to text in Cantonese, you’re helping to strengthen and expand the reach of the language, keeping it alive and vibrant both online and offline. 廣東話喺數碼時代都可以繼續發展,靠你嘅參與!
想學點樣用廣東話打字同講得更流利?快啲嚟報名啦!Keep Cantonese thriving in the real and digital worlds!