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Lìchūn (立春) – The Beginning of Spring and Its Traditions in Chinese Culture



Lìchūn: Welcoming the First Day of Spring

Lìchūn (立春) marks the beginning of spring in Chinese culture, bringing traditions like festive meals, honoring ancestors, Beating the Spring Ox, and welcoming the season with outdoor activities.
Lìchūn (立春) marks the beginning of spring in Chinese culture, bringing traditions like festive meals, honoring ancestors, Beating the Spring Ox, and welcoming the season with outdoor activities.

立春的意義 | The Significance of Lìchūn

立春,是中國二十四節氣中的第一個節氣,象徵著春天的開始。根據農曆,立春通常落在 2月3日至2月5日 之間。這一天標誌著寒冬的結束,大地開始回暖,萬物復甦,農民也開始為新一年的耕作做準備。

Lìchūn, the Beginning of Spring, is the first of the 24 Solar Terms in the traditional Chinese calendar, symbolizing the arrival of spring. According to the lunar calendar, it usually falls between February 3rd and 5th. This day marks the end of winter, bringing warmer weather, awakening nature, and signaling the start of a new agricultural season for farmers.

立春的傳統習俗 | Traditional Customs of Lìchūn

1. 咬春 (Yǎo Chūn) – Eating Spring Foods

在立春這一天,人們會吃一些象徵春天的食物,這被稱為 「咬春」,寓意吸收春天的活力,增強身體健康。常見的立春食物包括:

  • 春餅 (chūn bǐng) – 春捲的一種,內餡為蔬菜、肉類,象徵新鮮與豐收。

  • 蘿蔔 (luóbo) – 「咬春」的代表食物,寓意「吃了蘿蔔賽過活佛」,能促進消化、帶來健康。

  • 五辛盤 (wǔ xīn pán) – 由五種辛香蔬菜 (如蔥、蒜、薑) 組成,相傳可驅邪避疫。

On Lìchūn, people eat spring-related foods, a tradition known as "Yǎo Chūn" (Biting the Spring). This symbolizes absorbing the energy of spring for good health. Common Lìchūn foods include:

  • Spring Pancakes (春饼, chūn bǐng) – A thin pancake rolled with vegetables and meat, symbolizing freshness and abundance.

  • Radish (萝卜, luóbo) – A key food for Lìchūn, as the saying goes: “Eating radish is better than seeing a living Buddha,” meaning it aids digestion and promotes health.

  • Five-Spice Platter (五辛盘, wǔ xīn pán) – A dish containing five pungent vegetables (such as garlic, onion, and ginger) believed to ward off evil spirits and diseases.

2. 迎春祭祖 (Yíng Chūn Jìzǔ) – Welcoming Spring and Honoring Ancestors

在中國古代,皇帝會在立春舉行「迎春大典」,向土地神與祖先祈求風調雨順、五穀豐登。民間也會進行 春祭,表達對祖先的敬意,並祈求新年順利。

In ancient China, emperors held grand "Spring Welcoming Ceremonies" to pray for good weather and a prosperous harvest. Among the people, families also honored ancestors during Spring Sacrifices, asking for blessings in the new year.

3. 打春 (Dǎ Chūn) – Beating the Spring Ox

古時,農業社會十分重視春耕,立春這一天會舉行 「打春」 儀式,官員或農民用柳條敲打一個泥土製成的「春牛」,象徵催促春耕、祈求豐收。

In agrarian society, spring plowing was crucial. On Lìchūn, people performed a ritual called "Dǎ Chūn" (Beating the Spring Ox), where officials or farmers whipped a clay ox with willow branches to symbolize urging the arrival of spring and praying for a good harvest.

4. 春貼 (Chūn Tiē) – Spring Couplets and Decorations

在立春這天,人們會貼上 「春」字 或 立春相關的對聯,表達對新一年的美好期望。例如:

🔹 「立春大吉」 (Lìchūn dàjí) – 祝福春天吉祥如意。🔹 「一年之計在於春」 (Yī nián zhī jì zài yú chūn) – 強調春天對新年的重要性。

On Lìchūn, people decorate their homes with the character "春" (Spring) and Spring Festival couplets to welcome prosperity. Common phrases include:

🔹 "Lìchūn dàjí" (立春大吉) – Wishing for good fortune in spring.🔹 "Yī nián zhī jì zài yú chūn" (一年之计在于春) – A reminder that spring is the most important time for planning the year ahead.

立春與現代生活 | Lìchūn in Modern Life


飲食調養 – 多吃新鮮蔬果,減少油膩食物,讓身體適應氣候變化。✅ 調整作息 – 早睡早起,保持活力,迎接新的季節。✅ 戶外活動 – 春天適合郊遊、踏青,幫助身心舒展。

Today, while traditional customs have simplified, Lìchūn still influences lifestyle and well-being:

Healthy Eating – Eating more fresh vegetables and light meals to adjust to seasonal changes.✅ Adjusting Daily Routine – Waking up earlier and staying energetic for the new season.✅ Outdoor Activities – Spring is the best time for hiking, picnics, and enjoying nature.

結語 | Conclusion

立春不僅是節氣的開始,也象徵著新的希望與活力。無論是吃春餅、貼春聯,還是出門感受春天的氣息,這一天都提醒我們 珍惜新機會,擁抱春天的生機

Lìchūn is more than just the start of a season—it represents renewal, hope, and vitality. Whether it's enjoying spring foods, decorating with couplets, or stepping outside to welcome the fresh air, this day reminds us to embrace new opportunities and the energy of spring.

你會如何慶祝立春呢?歡迎在評論區分享你的想法! 🌸How will you celebrate Lìchūn? Share your thoughts in the comments! 🌿


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