Experience Japanese Festivals in February 2025 – Learn Japanese Along the Way! ✨

February (2月, にがつ, nigatsu) in Japan is a magical time filled with festivals (祭り, まつり, matsuri) that blend ancient traditions with modern celebrations. Whether you’re a language learner (日本語学習者, にほんごがくしゅうしゃ, nihongo gakushūsha) or a fan of Japanese culture, these seasonal events (季節の行事, きせつのぎょうじ, kisetsu no gyōji) offer a fun way to experience Japan while learning new words!
Let's dive into some of the most exciting February 2025 festivals and pick up useful Japanese vocabulary (語彙, ごい, goi) along the way!
1. 節分 (せつぶん, Setsubun) – Bean-Throwing Festival 🎭👹
📅 Date: February 3, 2025
節分 (Setsubun) marks the transition from winter (冬, ふゆ, fuyu) to spring (春, はる, haru) in Japan. It is a traditional festival where people drive away evil spirits (鬼, おに, oni) and invite good fortune into their homes.
🔥 How is it celebrated?
People throw roasted soybeans (豆, まめ, mame) while shouting 「鬼は外!福は内!」 (Oni wa soto! Fuku wa uchi!) – meaning “Demons out! Good fortune in!”
Many families eat one soybean per year of their age (歳, とし, toshi) for good health.
Some people visit shrines (神社, じんじゃ, jinja) and temples (寺, てら, tera) where famous sumo wrestlers or celebrities perform 豆まき (まめまき, mamemaki), or bean-throwing ceremonies.
✨ New Word:🔹 鬼 (おに, oni) – Demon🔹 豆まき (まめまき, mamemaki) – Bean-throwing
2. さっぽろ雪まつり (Sapporo Yuki Matsuri) – Sapporo Snow Festival ❄️☃️
📅 Date: February 4–11, 2025📍 Location: Sapporo (札幌, さっぽろ), Hokkaido (北海道, ほっかいどう)
One of Japan’s most famous winter festivals, the Sapporo Snow Festival (さっぽろ雪まつり) is a must-visit event where you can admire massive snow sculptures (雪像, せつぞう, setuzō) and ice carvings (氷の彫刻, こおりのちょうこく, kōri no chōkoku).
❄️ What to do at the festival?
Walk through 大通公園 (おおどおりこうえん, Ōdōri Kōen), where gigantic ice sculptures light up at night.
Enjoy hot ramen (ラーメン, rāmen) from Hokkaido’s famous food stalls. 🍜
Try winter activities like snow slides (雪の滑り台, ゆきのすべりだい, yuki no suberidai) and ice skating!
✨ New Word:🔹 雪 (ゆき, yuki) – Snow🔹 氷 (こおり, kōri) – Ice🔹 雪像 (せつぞう, setuzō) – Snow sculpture
3. 針供養 (はりくよう, Hari Kuyo) – Needle Memorial Festival 🪡🙏
📅 Date: February 8, 2025📍 Location: Various shrines, especially in Tokyo and Kyoto
For those who love Japanese craftsmanship, 針供養 (Hari Kuyo) is a fascinating ritual where old and broken sewing needles (針, はり, hari) are laid to rest (供養, くよう, kuyō) in gratitude for their hard work.
🪡 How is it celebrated?
People bring used needles to shrines like 浅草寺 (せんそうじ, Sensōji) in Tokyo or 法輪寺 (ほうりんじ, Hōrinji) in Kyoto.
They place the needles in soft tofu (豆腐, とうふ, tōfu) as a gesture of respect.
It’s a day to appreciate the tools that support daily life and reflect on craftsmanship.
✨ New Word:🔹 針 (はり, hari) – Needle🔹 供養 (くよう, kuyō) – Memorial service
4. 河津桜まつり (Kawazu Zakura Matsuri) – Early Cherry Blossom Festival 🌸
📅 Date: February 1–29, 2025📍 Location: Kawazu (河津, かわづ), Shizuoka (静岡, しずおか)
While most cherry blossoms (桜, さくら, sakura) bloom in March or April, Kawazu in Shizuoka Prefecture (静岡県, しずおかけん, Shizuoka-ken) is famous for its early-blooming cherry trees!
🌸 Why visit this festival?
Enjoy stunning pink sakura trees along the Kawazu River (河津川, かわづがわ, Kawazu-gawa).
Experience Japanese street food (屋台料理, やたいりょうり, yatai ryōri), like sakura-flavored sweets.
Perfect for photographers and nature lovers!
✨ New Word:🔹 桜 (さくら, sakura) – Cherry blossoms🔹 川 (かわ, kawa) – River🔹 祭り (まつり, matsuri) – Festival
Final Thoughts: Which Festival Do You Want to Visit?
February in Japan is packed with traditional (伝統的, でんとうてき, dentōteki) and seasonal festivals that offer a deep look into Japanese culture. Whether you're throwing beans (豆, mame) at demons during Setsubun, admiring 雪像 (setuzō) in Sapporo, or viewing early 桜 (sakura) in Kawazu, each festival gives you a chance to learn and immerse yourself in Japanese traditions (日本の伝統, にほんのでんとう, Nihon no dentō).